Spirituality on the Move offers a creative and fun way to deepen spirituality.

Short trips in small supportive groups are offered.
Space and time to slow our lives down and reflect.
Experiences with a gentle challenge.
Fun and companionship.

Based in the South Island of New Zealand, we currently offer two trips:

West Coast Slow Down

4 days travelling in a minibus between Christchurch and Hokitika return. Maximum number - 9

Next trip February 16-19 2009

Immerse yourself in Southern Rural Japan

This fully escorted 10 day trip begins with a five day homestay in rural Kyushu, and ends with time in Hiroshima, Kyoto and Nara.
Time is spent exploring Buddhist and Shinto sites, and we have a morning with a Buddhist priest.
A perfect way to introduce yourself to Japan.
Limited to 10 people.

Next trip May 18-27 2009
October 2009 – dates not yet determined